Useful information, tips and definitions from the IP area
We link here to important and useful pages from the IP area or to explanatory pages that we have compiled ourselves. We are looking forward to your suggestions or criticism. Again and again we notice that there is often a lack of deeper knowledge about the IP area. We will try to take up interesting topics here again and again. For your help, they are welcome to contact us. We are sure to have one or two tips for you.
The patent research
-> How to search patent data skillfully and efficiently in XPAT and with the help of external databases
Patent searches are to a certain extent also manual work. In addition to knowledge of the technology, we believe it is essential to follow certain
rules and a systematic approach to searching.
Important conclusions from the German Patent Act on questions concerning the handling of possibly protected technology
-> German Patent law and its concrete requirements for all business actors
Often enough, the patent system is presented as something less important in the company. However, it is obvious that this is not the case and that
the management is always involved in IP infringements.
Information on the definition of the term "patent family
-> Definition of the term "patent family
What is a patent family? A short explanation follows here, because the term is not of legal nature but it plays an important role in the patent system.
Important addresses on the web (please click on the country names)
FR -> Patent office France
AT -> Patent office Austria
CH -> Patent office Switzerland
NL -> Patent office Netherlands
BE -> Patent office Belgium
DE -> Patent office Germany
Western Europe
GB -> Patent office Great Britain
IR -> Patent office Ireland
Northern Europe
FI -> Patent office Finland
NO -> Patent office Norway
DK -> Patent office Denmark
IS -> Patent office Iceland
Eastern Europe
RU -> Patent office Russia
PL -> Patent office Poland
CZ -> Patent office Czech Republic
SE -> Patent office Sweden
SK -> Patent office Slovakia
RO -> Patent office Romania
BG -> Patent office Bulgaria
HU -> Patent office Hungary
RS -> Patent office Serbia
BL -> Patent office Belarus
Sothern Europe
IT -> Patent office Italy
ES -> Patent office Spain
PT -> Patent office Portugal
TR -> Patent office Turkey
HR -> Patent office Croatia
CN -> Patent office China
KR -> Patent office Korea
JP -> Patent office Japan
IN -> Patent office India
MY -> Patent office Malaysia
TW -> Patent office Taiwan
IL -> Patent office Israel
SA -> Patent officet Saudi Arabia
US -> Patent office USA
CA -> Patent office Canada
BR -> Patent office Brasil
MX -> Patent office Mexico
AR -> Patent office Argentine
VE -> Patent office Venezuela
AU -> Patent office Australia
NZ -> Patent office New Zealand
ZA -> Patent office Republic of South Africa